Week 4 – Artists OTW – Tom Sachs & Johanna Fateman

 Tom Sachs and Johanna Fateman were both amazing artists, but they followed different specialized field of art and had different background as well. Tom Sachs is a sculptor, his arts focused primarily on the masterpiece of engineering and design; While Johanna was music writer, but also a zine creator. Within Tom Sachs's various art works, I were impressed by the " Lunar Excursion Module Installation " . This was one of his massive work within his Space Program. He was inspired by space and always pursued to make his own space program by his own name, just like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos. The sculpture just showed how much he love space and astronautic, it was expressed on the way how he design and complete his art works, which look just like the real engineer. On the other hand, Johanna zine was chronicled art with a punk attitude-" to be an outsider and a refuser of culture, while maintaining the access and insight necessary for savvy critique". one of her well-known zine called " Artaud-Mania". During the zine, she expressed her fan persona ad transcribed her few-months earlier diary into self-reflexive and hindsight-wise zine story.  

I personally think zine was more fitting with Johanna's style of art, because she preferred a narrative style, while Tom enjoyed displaying his interests, desire, inspiration, dream, and engineering design though his sculpture career. These two artist were all pursue on the things I have never interacted before and were actually creating more interesting experiences for me to explore. 


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