Wk 3 – Art & My Major

I am drawing a picture describing how financial world looks like under my perception. The financial world including the cycle of consuming or spending the money. My picture has described how the bank was lending money for people to buy their house, or for the business to expand their operating. Finance is also connect the world with the currency exchanges and the economic that usually was illustrated based on financial chart. This was my original idea all long with the project without any changes. Everything on this project was based on understanding and knowledge of finance, and I think I successfully described the financial world using my drawing. Next time, I would choose a more complicated picture such as a chart of a certain stock on the market. I feel like finance can always be enhanced with art, such as economic can always be portrayed on the column chart and line chart. The GPD or investment were displayed on the pie chart. As my perspective, those chart that can speak up of economic trend may be a part of the fine art related to financial field. 


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