Week 6 – Artist – Camille & Sarah Elgart

 - Sarah Elgart was award-winning choreographer, director, and producer for many years. Her works and productions style and contents  focus solely on transforming and catalyzing bus terminals, airports, museums with movement, music, and media. Her production meaning was to create a magic out of the mundane, allowing viewers to see "old places with new eyes". 
- Camille's music is so different from anything else in French pop. She sang in English while she was a French singer. The majority of her song including sounds and rhythms are mostly generated by the human body: murmurs and yelps, sighs and squawks, finger-clicks and chest-slaps. The meaning of her work is to let the body tells stories naturally along with music in the song.

- The moment I saw there were short video of one Sarah dancer dancing in the elevator, I think there would be a moment when she was freely moving her body in the way she mastered to tell a story. That's why I would say there would be a moment of dances in the zone. 
- Sarah and Camille were both different artists. However, they still have connection in their works by the way they used human body to tell a story being creative in their music and choreography. 
- The automatic drawing has connected with choreography of Sarah in some ways that they both had some moments of moving a part of human body freely within the zone of familiarity. While Automatic Drawing moved our hands freely on the paper board, Sarah had produced some creative choreography in any of the public locations to let the dancer tell the stories and allow the audiences to engage in perceiving the messages through the movements. 


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